Dealing with Stress and Burnout- It is Not What You Think

Advice from an accountability coach and a stressed out mom

Amanda Richey
9 min readJun 11, 2024
Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

We can all identify moments in our lives that feel stressful and that we try to avoid, but what many of us don’t realize is that we’re actually living with a constant level of stress in our daily lives. Not the big, scary, easily identifiable stressors, but the everyday stressors that keep our brain in high gear 24/7 and this is what leads to burnout.

What is Stress?

Stress is an evolutionary adaptive response by your body to a perceived threat, that manifests as a neurological and physiological shift called a ‘stress response’. Your heartrate increases, your body pumps out hormones, your blood pressure rises, your digestion and immune function slow down. In essence, your entire body and mind change in response to a perceived threat.

Click here to read more about how your body and brain respond to fear.

Back on the savanna where our ancestors evolved millennia ago, the perceived threats were things like a lion chasing you, and this stress response was the perfect thing for your body to do in that instance — run! Fast forward to today, and the lion is replaced by your angry boss, or the guy cat-calling you on the street, or your threenager…



Amanda Richey

Writer, coach, mother. Helping women crush their goals with ease and confidence.