The Sneaky Thing You are Doing to Sabotage Your Goals

Amanda Richey
4 min readJan 25, 2024

Hiding in Lack of Clarity

Goal Setting Hang-ups and What to do About Them

Photo by Alvin Lenin on Unsplash

It is week four of January, 2024. How are you feeling about your New Year’s resolutions? Your 2024 goals?

My goal, as I mentioned in previous posts, is to write every day of 2024 and then post once a week on Medium.

So here I am, week four and I am realizing that I have been hiding in half-a**ing my goals and not getting really clear on all the who/what/where/when/whys of the goal to avoid feeling shame.

Sounds crazy right?

But, I bet if you are being honest with yourself, you may be doing this too without even really realizing it.

Here me out:

If you are anything like me, you have set many goals in your life. Maybe you have read some books, took a course, got some coaching, became a coach (hand raised), in an attempt to actually achieve some goals and make lasting change in your life, and chances are you have had some flops.

And I am willing to bet (because I am right there with you) that this has tainted your thoughts about yourself, your abilities, and your goals. And maybe that made you feel a bit of shame and thus some…



Amanda Richey
Amanda Richey

Written by Amanda Richey

Writer, coach, mother. Helping women crush their goals with ease and confidence.

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