The Sneaky Thing You are Doing to Sabotage Your Goals
Hiding in Lack of Clarity
Goal Setting Hang-ups and What to do About Them
It is week four of January, 2024. How are you feeling about your New Year’s resolutions? Your 2024 goals?
My goal, as I mentioned in previous posts, is to write every day of 2024 and then post once a week on Medium.
So here I am, week four and I am realizing that I have been hiding in half-a**ing my goals and not getting really clear on all the who/what/where/when/whys of the goal to avoid feeling shame.
Sounds crazy right?
But, I bet if you are being honest with yourself, you may be doing this too without even really realizing it.
Here me out:
If you are anything like me, you have set many goals in your life. Maybe you have read some books, took a course, got some coaching, became a coach (hand raised), in an attempt to actually achieve some goals and make lasting change in your life, and chances are you have had some flops.
And I am willing to bet (because I am right there with you) that this has tainted your thoughts about yourself, your abilities, and your goals. And maybe that made you feel a bit of shame and thus some…